
I'm sitting here thinking of the past. And would like to know how many people would leave their friends for a potential future partner?

I had lots of friends before meeting Kelly. Kelly was actually my old BFFs cousin. The friends that I had didn't "approve" of my relationship with him. Dunno why, they never told me. After dating him for maybe 3-4 months I had to make the decision of them or him. It was pretty sucky, of course you may already know I chose him. During those 3-4 mo I saw a pretty ugly side of my friends. So although I felt that I would probably regret my decision I really didn't want to be associated with such people - they turned really ugly and I mean REALLY UGLY.

Today I sit at this computer and am actually glad I chose him over them, he's my best friend and the greatest guy I've ever met. Although when he's in a crappy mood I probably think otherwise, but right now I'm really happy with my decision. And I don't think besides the time we were having problems have I ever regretted what I chose. I know there are some out there that would swear by their friends and would never do what I did, but oh well, I guess I'm different, I feel that really you have your BFF and then you have your SO and eventually, if you're lucky your SO replaces your BFF and you have everything in one. I'm also pretty sure they aren't as close as they were since getting older and what ever I missed is nothing compared to what I've experienced with Kelly.

He's a cool guy and now I have to go and get ready because he's on his way and hates that I'm never ready when he gets here hehe. Later gators!

PS - For some reason I can't fix that pic of Ana and my cousin *grrr* so sorry about not being able to see it :(

To everything bad there's always something good. It's true, remember my rant and rave about the Queen of Evil and Lardass? Well there's actually a nurse on the floor that totally erases what those two do, well for the night she does once I see the Queen it's sort of like "blah." She's taking some time off next month, I think she may be taking the first 3 weeks off and Lardass is going on va-cay soooooo "Yipee!" LOL. Well back to this nurse, she is the greatest to be around. She reminds me of the old nurses that I use to work with before they closed the floor. She's so helpful (being a new nurse this is muy importante) and she doesn't make you feel like you should really know it when in fact don't. I like working with her. Last night was just a great night for me, I'm so glad I didn't call out sick. I didn't even feel like crap last night (been feeling extremely tired with a headache for the past month dunno if I mentioned it.) I don't know how long me liking my floor will last because I think the next day I work Lardass works *sigh* but I also think the greatest nurse also works too, we'll see how this balances out.

I work Thanksgiving eve and Thanksgiving day, so I'll be thankful this year for the time and a half which will aid in buying Christmas gifts this year LOL. I've been craving turkey ever since I smelled a drunk on the train, it cracked me up. Usually the smell of a drunk is nauseating but this drunk smelled like whatever my aunts season the turkey with.

Dunno if I'll go shopping on black friday. I have a doctor's appt that I've been putting off for a week. I know what he has to tell me and I don't know if I'm ready to deal with it. I was suppose to go today but alas I'm here blogging.

Besides the bad news the doctor is going to give me and me feeling like crap all the time (it's so bad I almost fainted at work I had to sit and eat a high sugar snack - that's the only part I like about this LOL) everything else is fine. Ana is acting crazy, my mother says it's because she's getting old but if that's the case I'd hate to see her when she's really old because Ana's going on 4 and that's not old in my book. She's just been barking alot at things she never barked at before. I now seriously think that she may be able to deter any break-ins. The other day the deliverymen came to take away our mattress' and put in the new ones and she had a fit! Same thing when the gas man came. She's still ok if I take her out, she's still wanting EVERYONE to pet her. She met a dog the other nights and she decided to socialize when she was sniffing the dog she was like "eh" and went crazy with the dogs owner. It was funny you just had to be there.

Ok well I'm gone. I'm going to share one of my fav pics of my Halloween party (a month later) it's of your truly (Ana) and my cousin. He dressed up as a wolf and I thought it be cute if they took a picture together. Well Ana was a little scared of the costume at one point I guess she was confused. My other cousin captioned the picture as "Are you my daddy?" It's not a good pic but good enough to share. TTFN!