My little deer friend, she looked when I opened the porch door.

I know I've been silent for a bit. After I finished the Whole Brain Radiation, things just got
icky. I was so scattered for so long, and then IT set in. The nausea, the not being able to eat. The NOT SO GOOD attitude. The sleeping all day and night.
Here it is two months later and I'm not better.
I've lost 20 lbs since November, I go out for dr appts and that's it. Rich did all the Christmas shopping that got done .. ALL OF IT.
I did go to the docs and go again next week. I had another Brain MRI last week and it showed NO new tumors and the ones that are there are smaller. Great news!!
We are trying to get the nausea under control. It is much better, but food..YUCK..I don't like anything. I do eat something each day..but I can't eat much.
The worst part, I am NOT all happy ..not mad or angry..just feel like I've lost my lust for life. My dear hubby has been so good about it. He lets me do what I want, doesn't push, except to make me eat.
I am not trying to starve myself..I want to eat.
SO..I am asking for prayers for ME..That this will get better..I can't keep losing weight..and that
my joyous attitude will return. I want to be positive like I was before.
I don't talk on the phone ..cuz I just have not much to say..I WISH I knew someone like ME..who has gone through all of this and could share with me ..but alas..I know
no one....If you know of someone who has stage 4 breast cancer, with brain mets ..and radiation
would you ask them if they'd share their experience??
I'm crying now..maybe this post did ME some good.
Love to you all