M Designs "Checkered Halloween"

I love the cat in this one - Kelly likes to mock this cat's face and it's so funny. He only does it for me though and I doubt he'll let me take a picture to post on here but I really wish I could share the way he looks with you. I think the cat is the reason I forced myself to finish this. I hate border's and I hate backstitch but my love of stitching and this cat have allowed me to force myself to finish this. Not sure what I'll stitch next. I know Halloween is over but I can't stop myself from wanting to stitch more Halloween stuff in my stash - I feel it's too early for Christmas/Snowman stuff. I love the Fall but nothing out there has caught my eye. I'd love to stitch SBs Leaf but feel I should stitch Sail first and I don't want to right now. It's 2am here and this is usually my stitching time so I better go choose something to stitch while watching Roseanne on Nick at Night!
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