Just wanted to ramble a little bit - I'll try not to make it long. I stitched today on my magnet :-) It went pretty quick - still not done but all that's left are some stitches here and there and some backstitching. I realized that if I sit in front of the computer less that I have a lot more time to do other things.
I found out today that my Halloween piece made the finals in the Silkweaver's Stitcher's Showcase Contest - too cool for me. Maybe next year I'll win something hehe. Here's the link to check out my Halloween Piece out http://www.silkweaver.com/fabric/2004mediumfinalists.htm - I think had I finished the first part and framed it I would have had a greater chance of winning but just being mentioned is cool for me. I think that's all I wanted to mention really - just wanted to boast instead of ramble but I'm allowed right?
Well must go now, would like to stitch for an hour before going to sleep to get up for work. Wish I could stitch on the train in the morning but it's so crowded and on my way home all I want to do is just sit there and pretend I'm at the Bahamas as I stare at the advertisements ;-)
Good Night!!!
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