The concert last night was kick ass!!! We went thinking it was going to be bad since we didn't really like the new album that came out but OMG they put on such a great live show that now we love the new album just as much as the old one. I was able to get live footage of 2 of the songs they performed and of course I'm sharing. They aren't the greatest - I recorded them with my camera so its a bit shaky and goes in and out of focus. Our seats were nosebleed but the concert made up for it. I can't wait for our next concert in November, we're going to see Panic! At the Disco (My cousin's favorite) and Bloc Party (My ULTIMATE favorite.) Modest Mouse is the days before that one so I have another one too look forward too also!! I saw Bloc Party in concert in July I think when they came to Brooklyn and swore to myself I'll go see them whenever they come to New York City. Well enjoy the pics and video. I work tonight *tear* and want to stitch some before having to get ready.
This is Somebody Told Me - off the old album
This is When You Were Young
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