Carters price guide by Alan Carter. These are always great to have and the older editions are collectibles in their own right and worth a fortune. Alan Carter is also a bit of a fox for an old guy, he has the most yummy London accent!

Some Hot pink crystals for the chandeliers, about 20 of them. Those ring connectors are a pain in the bum, I will have to change those.

More birds! About a dozen of them! And pink ones too!

I found my first blue prayer lady on eBay Australia! I am hankering for the other colours now. The pink little girl is a pepper shaker and I thought she would look good with my other ladies :)

The pink crystal prisms are for my chandeliers and candelabras. I have started taking off a lot of the baubles on the candelabra and have just left the aqua ones and of course, my beloved glass birds :) I strung one large and five small crystal prisms together and made about eight of them all up. These have now been added to the bottom arms of the candelabra.

Well after checking my credit card balance this morning (and that put me in a FOUL mood!) this will be my last blowout until the New Year. Without the selling on eBay to balance it all out, I really notice the difference in the old bank account.
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