I bid on these prayer ladies solely for the Instant Coffee jar. Love the prayer on this one, click on it to see.
Hand dyed vintage doilies. I put the aqua one on top of Jon's xbox much to his annoyance. Hey, at least it wasn't the pink one, right?
Robert Gordon polka dot enamel ware jug. This is huge, I don't actually have a use for it! A rose vase maybe.

I think this may be another Josef Girl for my collection. It is the same height and quality of porcelain with the same Japanese stamp but this one doesn't have the black eyes. It was a bargain and pretty too, whatever it is.
Vintage roses painting. It was the background colour that sold me.
I have bought one of these bowls before. In fact I LOVE this old chinese enamel ware with the blush edging. This bowl has a lilac edge, one I haven't seen before. Plus, it has my beloved birds. I have high hopes of turning one of these bowls into a sink one day.
Another lot that I bought because they look like Josef Girls.
And last but certainly not least, a brand new in box lavender christmas tree!