Anthropologie is a gorgeous store but has always been hideously expensive despite it's hippy, down to earth look. Even on ebay, prices are way high. These glass knobs are quite a good price, $6 each. And the flower bracket is on sale for $10. I so want those!
Pretty china, I especially love the yellow cabbage leaf set. Not my colours but I adore them all the same. I bet my mother in law would love that set! Yellow is her favourite colour. The main reason I would love to be an interior decorator is for the fun of doing rooms in colours and styles that are so not something I could live with but that I love all the same.

These tea towels are divine but a bit steep at $18 US each. Not good if you have a husband that wipes up spaghetti with my best tea towels. Jon - they are for drying dishes ONLY - @#$%!@$!!!
These are so prettily graphic that I would frame them. AND they have my beloved birds on them :)

I have no idea if they ship to Australia. The brackets are the only item I really would love to have. Everything else I have seen similar items around the traps.
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