I just finished the 2nd square to my Summer Snapperland. I don't like this season but I think it's going to look very nice. So far I like the way the sea goes from one square to the other one. I know Spring is like this with the soil but I'll have to check if Winter is also. I'm going to work on the border before moving onto another square. I already know that I'm leaving the 4th square for last simply because I get very anxious with stitching a large space with just one color, the only thing that doesn't discourage me is that it's in blue and not white...I just can't stitch in white my stitches look sloppy.

I'm....the new owner of another pair of scissors!!! LOL I'm so corny sometimes. I bought the Maria's and while I haven't used them yet I did have a perfect fob for them. The picture shows them with my Jamie's which were "eh" to me until I put a fob on them and all of sudden they're beautiful like the rest of them :-)

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