The Secret Doesn't Work For A Fat Ass

You know how I have been on about using The Secret in previous posts? Well it is working really well for making money and finding work. Not so well for loosing some inches off my behind. Of course, the chocolate toffees and iced coffees aren't helping. But The Universe should be able to make those things diet food and adjust its reality to suit my eating habits, right?
Yeah, I know I'm deluded. Now that the weather is getting better it is time to start walking again and adios to my beloved toffees *SOB*

Below are some of the auctions I have running on ebay this week. I am finishing these on a Wednesday this week to try something different.

Wedgwood "Rosehip" frame.

Vintage vanity travel set.

Vintage pink anodised jelly moulds. I collect these and there is a wall in my kitchen full of them. These are some of the "doubles." If you want to see a picture of my wall I think it is in my first or second post, way back when. I have added to it since then.

Love this old set of cups and saucers and that the stand looks kind of like a love heart.

I used the camera software to cartoonise Lucas and one of my auction pictures!


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