Yeah, I know I'm deluded. Now that the weather is getting better it is time to start walking again and adios to my beloved toffees *SOB*
Below are some of the auctions I have running on ebay this week. I am finishing these on a Wednesday this week to try something different.

Wedgwood "Rosehip" frame.

Vintage vanity travel set.

Vintage pink anodised jelly moulds. I collect these and there is a wall in my kitchen full of them. These are some of the "doubles." If you want to see a picture of my wall I think it is in my first or second post, way back when. I have added to it since then.

Love this old set of cups and saucers and that the stand looks kind of like a love heart.

I used the camera software to cartoonise Lucas and one of my auction pictures!

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