I've been really wanting to stitch this for a while. I love stitching on it and although, to me, it's a big project it seems to stitch up quickly. I'm stitching it with Belle Soie Silk Floss (thanks to Mary Kathyrn!) and it's oh so yummy! I have to put it away for a while though because I thought my Summer F&S was due at the end of July but I double checked and it's due to mail out on the 14th...eek! I still don't know what I want to stitch so I have to do some research on my partner and hopefully I have something in my stash that will be perfect. Well that's all from me for now. I'm off to do my research!
WIP Time
I've been really wanting to stitch this for a while. I love stitching on it and although, to me, it's a big project it seems to stitch up quickly. I'm stitching it with Belle Soie Silk Floss (thanks to Mary Kathyrn!) and it's oh so yummy! I have to put it away for a while though because I thought my Summer F&S was due at the end of July but I double checked and it's due to mail out on the 14th...eek! I still don't know what I want to stitch so I have to do some research on my partner and hopefully I have something in my stash that will be perfect. Well that's all from me for now. I'm off to do my research!
Blue Inspiration

Tonight after seeing a friend's blog (Alison)I felt inspired to do my own post of blue images.

Louis inspired blue-grey cabinet. It is now discontinued so I won't be getting this, wahhh!

Gorgeous Marie A plaque by my friend, Linda.

Cath Kidston china coffee mug.
Blue prayer ladies from my collection.

Wall decoration at the Petit Triannon.

Typical male, lol!
Vintage style tags.
Marie in her fave colour, blue!

Aubusson rug, I WANT.

More Petit Triannon.
Freezing here in Perth. We are not used to such cold weather here. Our gas plant blew up so there are power restrictions too.
I am redecorating our living room soon with a blue theme and all these blue posts are very inspiring!
I'm Still Here
We switched over to Naked DSL (sounds exciting doesn't it?) so I was without the internet for a few weeks there.

I am loving this french fragrance by "Diptyque." They are the company that makes the tres expensive candles that all the celebs love. This scent is based on a 16th century receipe for pot pourri. It costs about $100 in the shops but I was stoked to find a full bottle in an op shop for $4!

Love this collection of pretty plates on a blush pink wall. Love the little girls tea party! This image is from the book "Australian Vintage."

Love the tongue-in-cheekness of this necklace. Imspired by Kate Moss, it features a little gold spoon and a vial of white powder LOL!

What I want to buy next from work. French white wrought iron wall cabinet with glass shelves. Oooh, I really like that vanity stand too!

I am loving this french fragrance by "Diptyque." They are the company that makes the tres expensive candles that all the celebs love. This scent is based on a 16th century receipe for pot pourri. It costs about $100 in the shops but I was stoked to find a full bottle in an op shop for $4!

Love this collection of pretty plates on a blush pink wall. Love the little girls tea party! This image is from the book "Australian Vintage."

Love the tongue-in-cheekness of this necklace. Imspired by Kate Moss, it features a little gold spoon and a vial of white powder LOL!
What I want to buy next from work. French white wrought iron wall cabinet with glass shelves. Oooh, I really like that vanity stand too!
I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hall...
If you don't answer, I'll just ring it off the wall
I know he's there, but I just had to call
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone...
I know he's there, but I just had to call
Don't leave me hanging on the telephone...
Last night I went to see Blondie. My cousin asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to go and since I knew I'd be on vacation and needed some activities to fill up my days I agreed. I went thinking I only knew 3 songs but found out that I knew a lot more (who knew I was a closet Blondie fan??) The show kicked serious butt! I was actually surprised on how great it was. Debbie was awesome! If I could see them in concert again I definitely would. They didn't allow cameras in but I did manage to get one crappy picture with my phone! Does she not look great????

I did manage to finish something small this Saturday too :-) It's the 6th square in my Red Thread Snappers. I still refuse to work on the border and will pay for it dearly once I get these all stitched up *ugh*

Fuzzy Hair
For my Smelly Kelly :-)

Anyway the real reason for this post is not about the picture above but of this picture below!

Well that's all I have for right now...I'm doing laundry, plus I work tonight so I'm trying to multi-task with all the things that have to be done around here before I can leave (I'm missing my mother more and more everyday LOL) Well it's only 2 more days before my vacation and then I can go to Kelly's house and he can wait on me hand and foot and I can be spoiled again hehe :-) TTFN Have a great day and thanks for the comments on yesterday's post...I appreciate them more than you can imagine!
I've been stitching!
But unfortunately I can't show you because it's all for exchanges. I've finished the stitching for my F&S square (just need to stitch up my signature square) and I've even finished up the stitching for my Quaker Inspired Exchange (just need to do the actual finishing.) I just have one more F&S square to stitch up but since it's not due until the end of July it can wait. I would like to start something new (for me) today so depending on my mood (whether I'd like to stitch, play GTA, or learn my new camera more) we'll see what I start. Did everyone see the new LHN??? I love it and I want it! Will I ever stitch it? Probably not but I'd still like it.
In other news, my mother left for Ecuador on Friday for 2 weeks! I'm missing her like crazy which is weird because when she's here she drives me crazy LOL. My father and I are NOT getting along, I gave him a Father's Day gift but only because my mother instructed me to. For those that don't know (and not many people don't) he's an alcoholic and although he has periods of sobriety he tends to relapse during certain times of the year...Father's Day is one of them and September is another one. It pisses me off like you wouldn't believe (or you would if you ever lived with an Alcoholic.) As soon as I'm on vacation (Wednesday *yea*) Ana and I are going to stay with Kelly until my mumsy poo gets back. My grandfather isn't doing so well...I don't know why they took him to Ecuador but it was sort of a last wish for him. All of his kids are taking turns going over to visit and take care of him. When I spoke to my mother she told me he managed to break his hip (he's now diagnosed with osteoporosis) and is bed ridden. I don't know if they'll do surgery and if they don't well I told her he won't be getting out of bed and walking around ever. Getting sick as you get older sucks...
I'll leave you with this picture of Ana...I hate blogging without pictures and since I can't share any stitching with you I'll share this
it's a little dark but I'm still learning how to use the new camera...I'll get there though :-)
In other news, my mother left for Ecuador on Friday for 2 weeks! I'm missing her like crazy which is weird because when she's here she drives me crazy LOL. My father and I are NOT getting along, I gave him a Father's Day gift but only because my mother instructed me to. For those that don't know (and not many people don't) he's an alcoholic and although he has periods of sobriety he tends to relapse during certain times of the year...Father's Day is one of them and September is another one. It pisses me off like you wouldn't believe (or you would if you ever lived with an Alcoholic.) As soon as I'm on vacation (Wednesday *yea*) Ana and I are going to stay with Kelly until my mumsy poo gets back. My grandfather isn't doing so well...I don't know why they took him to Ecuador but it was sort of a last wish for him. All of his kids are taking turns going over to visit and take care of him. When I spoke to my mother she told me he managed to break his hip (he's now diagnosed with osteoporosis) and is bed ridden. I don't know if they'll do surgery and if they don't well I told her he won't be getting out of bed and walking around ever. Getting sick as you get older sucks...
I'll leave you with this picture of Ana...I hate blogging without pictures and since I can't share any stitching with you I'll share this
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