God answers prayers
My oncologist had the Pet/CT scan results today
It is a nothing less than a miracle
I have barely a trace of cancer left, in my spine.
The rest is gone!!!
She said 1 to 5 % show improvement in the bone
& hardly ever as soon as mine .
She even thought I may not NEED radiation
but since I am doing so well, let's make sure
it's ALL gone.
Radiation should start next week, I've been magic markered!! LOL
5 days a week, for 28 days straight, that's it.
I did get Herceptin and Zometa today, which is every three weeks for a year.
Myrecent echo cardiogram was even better than last
one, how does THAT happen???!!!
Life is good, Rich and I are elated.
learning chemo has worked
prayer warriors
wearing blue
grandsons think my hair is growing
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