Remember this?? Bald from chemo & a black eye from hitting my eye with the Swiffer as I was cleaning??

Here's my hair today.

I hate my side profile..LOL (I've gained weight too!UGH UGH UGH)

These two bald spots are from the Gamma Knife when my 5 brain tumors were removed. I think the 2 largest were here & that's why I don't have 5 spots. It may be permanent, but my other hair will grow over them. I still have a red spot where the "crown" for Gamma Knife was screwed to my skull. I also have two tiny holes above each eyebrow.

Here's the top on my head..

The back of my head

Yep, I have hair..GRAY and GRAYER for now. Can you believe someone told me she liked my carefree hair??? LOL, she had no idea that I would NEVER EVER EVER cut my hair this short..I just said , thank you!! teehee
I caught a summer cold, sore throat, body aches, face aches, Hubby was so kind to share his with me.
using hair gel
my hair looks a lil curly
being a wife, mom, grandma, friend, woman
my sweet hubby

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