I just put out a few Autumn things today & wanted to share. You can click on the pics to see the detail.
This coming week I'll be doing a Gift Away to celebrate the end of chemo & radiation so check back to sign up to win!
About Me
Each day is a gift, but I feel so tired, my original reconstruction surgery still hurts, is swollen & it hurts to wear clothes. I get discouraged and then feel guilty. I have done so well, I should just be grateful for that. I miss the old Deena . On a positive note, my hair is growing, I'll post a pic soon. I guess one truth I need to embrace is that one can't have stage 4 cancer & not have some effects for life. It changes your life, but I have my life.
cool nights
zinnias & butterflies
locust singing
blog friends
my camera
God answers prayers
my best friends
a new friend Dee

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