Then, one day several years ago, as I was wondering through an antique store, I stopped in a booth of a dealer that had an item displayed that gave me a very creative idea of what I could do to reduce my piles of magazines and yet allow me to keep the best parts of each of them.
What she had done was taken just a standard white three ring binder notebook and added sheet protectors in which she had placed pages from magazines that showed off some of the same style of items she displayed in her booth. A light bulb when off in my head, and I couldn’t wait to get home and create what I now refer to as my “decorating scrapbooks”.
I started my new hobby by going to an office supply store and purchasing several three inch, three ring white binder notebooks (the sort that have the clear sheet protectors on the outside front and back covers and on the spines of the binders), clear heavy duty sheet protectors and a large pack of just some basic cream colored heavy weight printer/cardstock paper.

After doing all the tearing out of pages, I neatly trimmed the edges on the full size pages and accompanying articles that I wanted to keep and then it was on to the more detailed work of cutting out and trimming the smaller size photos and cutting out the pictures of the smaller single objects as well as the words or phrases that I wanted to save and use to embellish my scrapbooks with. It was a time consuming process but one that I found very relaxing and enjoyable.
Then the fun part started. I began putting together the scrapbook pages.
I should note that this was not all done at once or even in a short period of time. It took me several weeks to complete the initial phase of putting together my new decorating scrapbooks and it has been an ongoing project ever since as I continue acquiring new magazines each month.
Starting with the full size magazine pages that I was keeping first, I began filling each sheet protector with the pictures and accompanying articles. I also added some of my favorite magazine photos to the covers of the notebook binder to make it look more like a book, instead of just a notebook with a scrapbook paper cover.

Then, using the different 8 x 11 colored cardstock papers as a background, I began choosing different photos, cut-outs, words and phrases and designing a layout for each page. Once I was satisfied with the design layout and look of the page, I used small pieces of double sided tape to tape the items to the colored cardstock paper. Filling a page was not always easy as sometimes the pictures just didn’t look right together, the colors were off or I didn’t have enough smaller pictures of the kind I was looking for to complete the layout. For these, I would keep the part I had already designed and set it aside to be added to at a later time. Once I had a filled page, both front and back, I put it into the notebook binder.
Here a few random pictures of some of my decorating scrapbook pages.........

Now when I want to enjoy all of the old magazine photos and articles, all I need to do is pull out my scrapbooks and look through them and see only the “best of the best” of the decorating style that I love and I don’t have to look at any of the unappealing photos, articles or advertisements that often fill a magazine. Now all that I see are pictures that appeal to my senses and make me happy.
I hope that by me sharing this with you that I may have sparked an idea in your head and that you may find something similar to do with old magazines that you have been holding on to for years and years.
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