Don't Forget...
Thanks to these Bloggers...

Teacup Tuesday - Week 2
I am so glad that you stopped by for a visit today and I hope that one of more of my regular visitors (and maybe even some new visitors) have chosen to join me in the fun of sharing photos of the teacups in your personal collections. Unfortunately, I haven't quite figured out how to add Mr. Linky to my blog post yet (I'm not the most technical person in this world ya know!!). I was even thinking that it might be easier just to add the blog links of anyone who is interested in participating in this new weekly event to my blog post each week. If I decide to go that route which I think I may, anyone who is interested in joining me for "Teacup Tuesdays" can send me an Email before 10pm Sunday evening letting me know that you are going to be participating (include the address/link to your blog) and I will add a link to your blog within my post for that upcoming week. Hope that makes sense..
Now, lets get on to the real purpose for today's post..
For this week, I have chosen to share two teacups. Each was made by a different china manufacturing company and are of differing styles, but the floral pattern of the teacups are the same. They have such beautiful pink and yellow roses and are so sunny and cheerful that it’s hard not to fall in love with them when you see them. I was lucky enough years after finding these beautiful teacups to have found a small matching teapot in the same lovely pattern. You can sneak a peak of the matching teapot on my side bar. It’s shown in the first photo under “Pretty China”. Now, I am on the hunt for one or two matching desert plates. I may never find them, but I will never stop looking. If anyone is familiar with this pattern and may know where I can find some matching desert plates, please let me know.
The first teacup was manufactured by Queens China…

Thanks for stopping by for a visit today. Come back next week to see more of my collection.
My FRAMES clock my home.
Welcome Spring??
More Etsy Fun Finds....
In my last post, I showed you a few of my latest Etsy finds, the pretty little pin cushions. Now I am showing you a few more things I have aquired over the past few weeks. I so love getting packages in the mail and I can't wait to open them.
I recently discovered the blog and Etsy shop of Elyse at Tinkered Treasures and I instantly fell in love with her sweet, simple and cottage style handcrafted “tinkered treasures” that she has created, some from the simplest of everyday items.
The first item I purchased from Elyse was this cute little shabby birdhouse painted in the prettiest shade of pink and decoupaged with a patchwork of pretty papers. It even came with its own sweet little pink birdie.