I just have to share a wonderful story with you about a simple random of act kindness that was bestowed upon me last week.
I can’t stop thinking about it as it is something that has never happened to me before and it was just the perfect thing I needed to remind me that even in these troubled economic times, there are still people out there in the world whose generosity goes above and beyond what most of us think of as “normal” and who can still find joy in doing something kind for a perfect stranger.
My story starts when I decided to go the through the drive-thru of one of our local coffee shops last Friday morning to pick up one of my favorite specialty coffee drinks and a scone for breakfast on my way over to visit my Mom.. The specialty coffee drink I get is not one of the cheapest and my total bill for the items I purchased was around $6.00. As I drove up to the window to pay for my order, the girl working at the window totally surprised me by telling me that I did not have to pay for my order as the person in the vehicle that had just gone through the drive-thru before me had also paid for my order in addition to theirs.
I can’t even describe how shocked I was and I’m sure I had a pretty odd look on my face, but after I realized what that kind person had done, I started smiling and I found myself in much better mood than I had been before that happened. I still find myself smiling each time I think about it. Isn’t it funny how such a simple random act of kindness can totally change the way we view the world around us?
I realize now that it’s my turn to “Pay it Forward” as Oprah would say and continue to spread the generosity and good cheer by bestowing a random act of kindness on someone else. I’m not sure when or where it will happen, but I do know that it will and that I will leave a total stranger feeling as happy as I was the day it happened to me. I think this is something that all of us should start doing on a regular basis. The world would be a much happier place if we did.
Now for one other quick thing, I just wanted to share a photo of something I have had for several years that while is perfect for displaying as an Easter decoration, is just too cute to tuck away after the holiday is over, so I keep this displayed all year found on one of my end tables in my living room.
It is a sweet little bunny whose bottom half is shaped someone like a ball and is made from a vintage (or maybe new…) handkerchief. Isn’t this just the cutest thing??
Hope you are all having a great week. I’ll be back soon…
I can’t stop thinking about it as it is something that has never happened to me before and it was just the perfect thing I needed to remind me that even in these troubled economic times, there are still people out there in the world whose generosity goes above and beyond what most of us think of as “normal” and who can still find joy in doing something kind for a perfect stranger.
My story starts when I decided to go the through the drive-thru of one of our local coffee shops last Friday morning to pick up one of my favorite specialty coffee drinks and a scone for breakfast on my way over to visit my Mom.. The specialty coffee drink I get is not one of the cheapest and my total bill for the items I purchased was around $6.00. As I drove up to the window to pay for my order, the girl working at the window totally surprised me by telling me that I did not have to pay for my order as the person in the vehicle that had just gone through the drive-thru before me had also paid for my order in addition to theirs.
I can’t even describe how shocked I was and I’m sure I had a pretty odd look on my face, but after I realized what that kind person had done, I started smiling and I found myself in much better mood than I had been before that happened. I still find myself smiling each time I think about it. Isn’t it funny how such a simple random act of kindness can totally change the way we view the world around us?
I realize now that it’s my turn to “Pay it Forward” as Oprah would say and continue to spread the generosity and good cheer by bestowing a random act of kindness on someone else. I’m not sure when or where it will happen, but I do know that it will and that I will leave a total stranger feeling as happy as I was the day it happened to me. I think this is something that all of us should start doing on a regular basis. The world would be a much happier place if we did.
Now for one other quick thing, I just wanted to share a photo of something I have had for several years that while is perfect for displaying as an Easter decoration, is just too cute to tuck away after the holiday is over, so I keep this displayed all year found on one of my end tables in my living room.
It is a sweet little bunny whose bottom half is shaped someone like a ball and is made from a vintage (or maybe new…) handkerchief. Isn’t this just the cutest thing??

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