Sharing a Penthouse with a Sibling.... (D Magazine)

DMagazine had an interesting article of two siblings sharing a penthouse space. Well, it's a 12,000 sq. ft space, so not really all that bad huh?? Well, you see... both Kari & brother Kirby Schlegel wanted the corner penthouse unit at the 'W', so their father stepped in & decided instead of buying them 2 INDIVIDUAL units, he figured why not create 2 separate apartments from it !?!

They searched out architects and designers Lionel Morrison & Jan Showers to handle the project. LUCKY kids aren't they? I do hope they're grateful. Kari was looking more for a Domino flair in her space while her brother Kirby wanted a darker, more masculine look to his apartment. Another cool feature is a common area they have for entertaining...Nice!  

Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

below: Kirby's apartment

photography by manny rodriguez

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