How is your week going?
We here in Minneapolis are enjoying a week of some pretty fabulous fall weather with sunny , clear blue skies and warm temps in the low 70's. Well, enjoying it as much as I can anyway. I'd prefer it to be about 10 degrees warmer, but realizing what time of the year it is, I'll definitely take what we're getting as I know that in just a matter of weeks, it could all change and I could be seeing snow outside my front door.
Today though, the view is quite lovely, so I grabbed my camera and snapped just a few pictures as I was outside on my driveway grilling up some pork chops for dinner...
These shots are of part of my front/side yard where all the grass and trees are... Oh my... look at that naked tree that's lost all it's leaves already.
I am extremely lucky in that my house is situated on a Cul-d-Sac and that my unit is the farthest one in, so I have the fortune of having an extremely large yard that runs right up to a wooded area, where quite frequently during the late fall months and winter, I will see several deer wandering out and about in the yard as I happen to glance out the window. I can never seem to find my camera though when I see them so I always miss capturing them on photo. One of these days I'll get some though.
I'm extremely lucky too that I won't be the one having to rake all those leaves up when they fall from the trees. Part of my association fees includes landscaping services, so all the lawn mowing and leaf removal is done for me. Thank goodness for that!!
Well, time to get a few more things done before I settle in for the night, so I must say goodbye for now.
Enjoy the rest of your week and I'll be back soon...
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