Would you like to see another magical room transformation ??This first picture shows what my living room looked like about a week before I moved into my house. The old carpet had been ripped out as had most of the padding underneath (just a little bit remained when I took this picture) and the walls were getting ready to be painted before the new carpet was installed. The walls were an odd green color that I didn't particularly care for so they had to go ..
And this is what it looks like now. Well, not exactly. A few minor things have changed since I took this photo a year or so ago, but most if it looks the same.
I can sure tell that it was a nice, bright, sunny day when I took the photo. The big picture window faces east and I get lots of morning sunshine coming in this window which I love. I hardly ever close the blinds in my living room as I hate that closed in feeling. I love my living room to for the fact that it's nice and big. Most townhouses I toured before finding this one had very small living rooms so this one was a major surprise.Much better don't you think ?
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