Betty Draper, now Betty Franklin.

I love it. It is so much my youth.
I did not live near Madison Avenue but I was about
the tender age of of the of the Draper children in the
time frame of when "Mad Men" is set. I remember
when I was told President Kennedy was dead. Where
I was, who told me, staying home from school to watch
his funeral. My mom crying watching it.
AMC is negotiating salaries for the writer and the
actors. That show wins numerous award every year.
They have such a good thing, they need to do anything
reasonable to keep it as good as it is now. Now they are
holding off new episodes to 2012. Oh No.
Seldom do we see such quality . I look forward
to Sunday evenings. I can't wait. What will I do
now? Jon Hamm is excellent as Don Draper.
visit the blog , you'll love it
As for me , I continue to feel better
I go to my oncologist tomorrow for blood work and see what
my latest meds did. Pray for me.
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