I made it into a magnet since I won't wear a pin. Plus I think it will jazz up the fridge a bit. It's called Pumpkin Eater and it does look halloweeny but it's really more autumnie. :)
I worked for the last 3 days and am still tired. I didn't want to sleep too much today though. I always feel like I've wasted a day off if I spend the day sleeping. I started decorating the house today for halloween *yea* I've decided I'm not decorating for Christmas, although I probably should. Let's see let's see what else can I tell you...hmmm...guess there is nothing really to say.
I hate my job even though the last 2 weeks I was there were pleasant. I think the problem is the nurse manager, she was on vacation when I got back from vacation and returned today. The way she talks really stresses me out, she doesn't say much to me but it's like she's a drill sargent, I'm use to people being nice, I'm just glad I don't work days and only have to see her in the mornings which is still crappy because then I come home in a foul mood. I told my mother about this and she said she understood and to just try and ignore her. It's really upsetting though I can't believe I'm this sensitive over it. Ok I guess that's all of my nothing hehe. I'm going to sleep. I want to take Ana to the dog park tmr, after being locked up in the house for the entire week thanks to the rain I'm pretty sure she'll appreciate it. I was going to take her today but by the time I was ready she had already eaten dinner and I wasn't about to clean up doggie puke (she get's car sick). Buenas Noches!
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