So here it is - I think I did well, no? I actually did as Petra suggested - small and different. I took it to work with me too, was ok until I had to spill out all of the beads and they went everywhere. Didn't stitch last night, was sleepy so I slept.
My job called me and asked if I wanted to work OT. I did but I couldn't. I have a 3 day weekend this week and if I worked tonight I would only have 1 day off between 2 consecutive 3 day work days! Plus it's raining meows and woofs (hehe - I'm so corny sometimes)
I can't believe I have all this energy, it must be because I know I don't have to go to work today. Oh something happened to give me a big head last night at work. They had me orienting someone! I was like you want moi to orient a newbie??? COOL!!! I liked it but at the same time didn't. I can't sit still for too long and well since I had no pts there was nothing to do and I didn't want to breath down this newbie's back, although I did make more rounds then I usually have time to. She did well *yea* everyone woke up alive. I had the opportunity to meet someone that lived until 105 last night. I say lived because she passed on a few hours after I was actually talking to her. Death is weird, it's really like *poof* you're gone. Well I'm off to spend some well earned cash on a well needed shredder. The one my dad has just shreds the paper one way and I want a criss cut one. Thanks for visiting me and the comments :)
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