Favorite Color Swap Questionnaire
1. What are your top three favorite colors? Pink of course! Then pale green and aqua blue.
2. What crafts do you really enjoy? Art more than craft - I like to paint.
3. What products do you really covet? Anything vintage and pink for the home, particularly the kitchen. Bonus if it has roses on it!
4. What other activities do you enjoy besides your favorite crafty things? Thrift shopping and home decorating.
5. Is there anything you collect? Enesco Prayer Ladies, Josef Originals Girls, various china patterns.
6. What is your zodiac sign and/or Chinese zodiac symbol? Virgo
7.What are your favorite…
…scents/smells? Babies, coffee, cut grass, rain, money, new car.
8.…animals? Birds and cats
…places to shop? Thrift shops
…season? Spring or Autumn
9. Are you allergic to anything? No
10. Do you have any pets? What are they? One cat - Tom.
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