I've been wanting a star tattoo on my foot for the longest. Last week my cousin and I were suppose to on Sunday but we rescheduled for yesterday. While he was getting his I was chickening out LOL but I ended up doing it. I think my next tattoo will be a tiny stethescope but not by itself maybe incorporated into something bigger where you really have to look to see it. I was laughed at by my cousin when I told him but I think it's cute and it will some sort of meaning.

I've been having some pretty good mail days since Friday, usually only bills come in for me. To start it off I got a pretty geat package from Emily (so glad to "meet" her online.) Stitchy/blogger friends are the greatest! She sent me the nicest things (pics below) I'm off for a couple of days and am going to try out the dog biscuits for Kyle, dunno if Ana will eat them. She's a little brat when it comes to treats. I'm afriad one of these days she'll only eat prime rib as a treat, lately she's started turning her nose up at hot dogs! Poor Kyle has such a sensitive tummy that the only treats he can get are dog biscuits, we gave him Doggie Vitamin Water (yes they make Vitamin Water for dogs) and it upset his tummy right afterwards, suprisingly Ana enjoyed it.

Next package came as a surprise. My favortie band of all time is Bloc Party. I love them A LOT. I preordered their CD (it comes out today) through this site and iTunes just in case the CD didn't come in on time - that's how much I love them. Well on Friday I looked out the window and a white box was sticking out of the mailbox. I didn't know what it was but when I opened it my Bloc Party CD was in it! So I got it a whole 4 days early haha!!! I feel so especial hehe :-) Needless to say I love it - it's different from Silent Alarm but I still love it. I can't wait to see them in March :-)

Friday was also the day to buy concert tickets. March will be concert month for me. My cousin turns the big 2-1 on the 11th so I figure us older cousins should take her out and make it special. Out of all birthday's I remember my 21st the most. I didn't go out drinking like other kids - there's nothing special about drinking when you come from a family that let you drink at a young age :-( But my other cousin took me to an expensive dress up restaurant where I ate weird food and then the next day we went gambling - I think for my cousin we're doing the drinking and gambling, should be fun for her. So hopefully March is a fun month!
Next up is the package from my V-Day Exchange partner in CSF. Cindy sent me this box filled to the brim with goodies :-) My cousin asked me yesterday to stitch something for his daughter and she sent the cutest Minnie Mouse pattern that I think will be good for her.

Now a little stitching update. When I went to get the tattoo I packed a new project. Something small and V-Dayish to start. I swear I'm never going to finish anything and all I'm going to do is have a bunch of WIPs if I keep starting new things LOL. Well anyway I'll show a picture of what I got done so far. It's Fond Hearts by Blackbird Designs. I didn't realize that there was over 1 stitching on this or else I probably wouldn't have started it but it doesn't look like much so maybe I'll get it done. I used my "This one I'm going to finish" needle magnet on it because I truly believe that I'll get it done :-)

Since stitching in public I've learned that a lot more people stitch than I thought did. Example - the gently giant of tattoo artist that I met yesterday stitched! He told me he tries every type of art form once and has stitched before. If you saw this guy you would probably feel very intimidate but he was such a nice funny person. I love people like that, makes me very glad that I don't judge a book by it's cover.
The last 3 days of work have been great too! My patients were just the greatest. They were all (for the most part) funny, nice, and needy but in a nice way which I don't mind. They were all light so it gave me time to give them that extra TLC that I like to give. If everyday of work could be like the last 3 days I wouldn't mind going to work. So I hope when I go back they are all still there and never get discharged LOL J/K. I know they're all probably gone with the exception of 2-3 but I hope the replacements are just as nice.
Ok so that's it's from me - this was a bit longish but I hope you enjoyed reading it and the pics! I'm off to shower and start my day. I plan on stitching for the next few days along with listening to Bloc Party, admiring my tattoo, and thinking of the next one to get! TTFN :-)
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