Can you believe it..?? the highlight of the day is mail
and I hardly EVER get to the mail box..Now
hubby brings it in..
Monday brought squeals of delight from ME!!
all pink and girly.. PINK hot cocoa..2 packs.
A hand made pink candle (Vanilla Lace)
Handmade pink card & what a sweet lil box.
I was so surprised.!!

And look what my dear sweet wonderful loving best friend husband
brought me home ...He is the love of my life..and I thank GOD that
I am his wife.

She shared her hanky treasures with me..
I just love them ALL..and I sure want to make
something girly with them..Perhaps I'd best
get that almost blank canvas out again today
& see what God puts in my head.

and last but not least (BY FAR)
my dear blog friends are praying..writing..emailing..calling..
asking for a wider circle of prayer ..I wish you all
could know how much it helps..It makes my day, my week, go
so much sweeter.. It's definitely a blessing.
Saturday I was so tired..I was in bed most the day and night.
Sunday..I ate, rested..then Rich and I went for a nice walk
here in the Singing Woods..snow on the ground
but it was warm. Hannah dog went with us too..
She peed about 12 times..LOL..and mostly where we
could see deer track.
Thanks for caring.
making salmon salad & she baked bread.
I'm off to see my psychiatrist
later today too. Rich is going
to drive me..everyone needs a little help now & then.
love ya all..Deena