On Monday I saw Dr. Jones..my plastic surgeon.
He said I was healing great, cleared me
to drive..take a bath (it had been just showers)
and lift 10 lbs.
He cleared me to begin chemo
in a couple of weeks too.
I came home and took pictures of my
tummy and breast..but I can't post them here.
I want to ...so other ladies can see what is
available after a mastectomy..perhaps I'll post them
somewhere private and then post a link on my Blog
if someone wants to see.
What do you think???
On New Year's Eve..Rich and I braved the snow storm
and went to dinner at one of our fave Restaurants.
The food was divine..I ate so much, I actually HURT
when I got home..I was dressed in jeans, a pink tee, a brown
velvet jacket & some awesome boots. I felt like a GIRL!!!
We came home I swallowed some pain med, took a BATH & snuggled in bed.
At Midnight I woke Rich
up for a New Year's kiss. sweeeet
New Years day was quiet, I took a nap..we had chili for supper
and went to bed early.
Today my friend Sheri came with bagels and
we talked and talked and had a pedicure with
salt scrub..Dead Sea Salt no less!!
It is always good to open up to someone about
how I feel.
I read more of my "Pink BooK"
thinking I never would have DREAMED I'd have
cancer, tis not in my family AT ALL.
I remember the day I got the book
Keli told me
"Just read a bit of this ..cuz it doesn't all apply to you
and if you read it all , it will scare you"
Well, now it does ALL apply to me, except the
hospice information..and I am a bit concerned,
of the effects of chemo,
that perhaps the cancer is
in my body,
not just my breast and lymphs,
that perhaps I won't see next year at this time,
but I am at peace in the fact that
I know God has a plan..and He will reveal it
to me.
I wake each day with a new appreciation for
every gift I am given, like today's new snow
that came down like glitter, the sun so bright,
the air SO cold.
The gift of the birds at the feeders, even though the temp
was 0 degrees out.
The gift of my friend coming to visit ..
the gift of warmth in my home..a hot shower, a good supper,
and wonderful husband, phone calls from my grown children, a good nap,
now a new season of Law & Order.
I have added new music & a new BANNER
Find the joy in each day..
it's God's gift to His children..
Keep those prayers coming..
I'm not afraid..just need to be strong
for the coming months!!
fondly, deena
PS I'll be posting a new Gift Away on Friday...come
back to see, it's a GREAT one!!
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