Possible wigs!! what do you think??
Yesterday's visit with Dr. Diane Prager was
good. I like her, she explained alot.
Here's the schedule .
This Tuesday I'll get an Echo Cardiogram as
the drug Herceptin can affect your heart. (4%)
So they'll be watching it each visit.
On Friday next, I get a Pet/CT scan
to look for "hot spots" in my body.
Searching for more cancer..PLEASE pray there is none.
That following Friday, the 25th, I'll go in for blood tests, then
on to see Dr. Prager, then my first chemo treatment. It
will be an all day adventure.
They will give me the chemo in IV's
I will go once every three weeks for six treatments
Taking about 5.5 hours each time.
The Herceptin will be continued for a year..even after chemo
is done, I'll continue to go once every three weeks for the
1.5 hours of Herceptin.
Doc says my hair will go at about 3 weeks.
She says on day 6 after treatment , the blood
count goes about nil, and you bottom out
on day 7 and 8. No energy, immune system
is LOW and care must be taken to
keep me well.
But by day 9 , I'll be feeling better again.
About 4 weeks after chemo..just chemo, not Herceptin..is done
radiation will start.
That is five days a week for 28 treatments
on my breast..and shoulder area.
So, I'm thinking in the next two weeks, I'll need to get a
wig..can't see me going out with no hair. (what would
Dr Jones think??) Laugh out Loud!!
I'm going to try to make my "chemo days" ME time,
we'll see how it goes.
The Center I go to
is about 20 minutes from home , newly built and
everyone is so caring!!
Rich will go with me for my first treatment...but beyond
that ..I'm thinking I should be "on my own"
He does need to work!
I'm not fearing this and six treatments!! woo hoo, I can do this.
thanks to each and every one of you my friends!!
you lift me up..with your caring and prayers!
fondly, Deena
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