Great news! The article to accompany our Pink Artist Doll is complete and shortly will be typed up and sent in to Art Doll Quarterly™ for their AUTUMN issue!
Spread the word that our beloved doll, Love Squared will make her debut in the Autumn issue of ADQ to hit news stands on August 1, 2008. Donations will be accepted following her debut up until October 15, which is the OFFICIAL day of the drawing. The month of October is as you know Breast Cancer Awareness month. Together we'll make this a fun & rewarding way to HELP others. Donations being accepted are money orders (preferred) made out to Susan G. Komen and cash (sent at your own risk) mailed in to Monica Magness PO Box 2206 Madison, AL 35758. Sorry, no personal checks. For those of you wishing to use paypal, donations can be sent in to http://us.mc309.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=MLMagness@aol.com at that time. Please note that paypal takes a fee to operate, be sure to take this into consideration when sending in your donation. Please write The Pink Artist Project on all correspondence and make sure your name and address are legible (typed is best for accuracy). Donations will be collected & dispersed to aid breast cancer research on October 22, 2008. All activity involving the drawing and monies donated for charity will be shared here at a later date. Though ANY donation amount is cheerfully accepted, for every $10 donation you send in your name will go into the drawing twice.
For those of you just learning about our drawing, it was voted to offer our doll as a gift in a drawing opposed to using ebay as this method allows for more participation, raising possibly more funds for charity due to a greater wider audience, and offers a FUN environment for giving because your collected name will go into the drawing for Love Squared and the "runner up" gifts (to be announced).
Soon to be available: a button for displaying on your blog, a newsletter for you to pass along to your friends and family, a flyer to print out on your home PC that could be passed out in the office, at games, or anywhere you are legally able and a postcard of our doll to email out to interested parties.
Also, Stampington & Company expressed interest in sharing The Pink Artist Project in a future newsletter- to sign up for their mailings, please visit: Sign Up for Post Script.
Doll artist Patti Culea helped inspire the making of the pink artist doll with the use of her pattern found in her book, Creative Cloth Doll Making. Of course, the waist down was altered for height. Patti wishes to help us spread the word of our project in a future newsletter when the time arrives. You can find her blog, Patter from Patti by visiting her link and signing up for her posts by email. Thank you! Stay tuned for more exciting news!
Spread the word that our beloved doll, Love Squared will make her debut in the Autumn issue of ADQ to hit news stands on August 1, 2008. Donations will be accepted following her debut up until October 15, which is the OFFICIAL day of the drawing. The month of October is as you know Breast Cancer Awareness month. Together we'll make this a fun & rewarding way to HELP others. Donations being accepted are money orders (preferred) made out to Susan G. Komen and cash (sent at your own risk) mailed in to Monica Magness PO Box 2206 Madison, AL 35758. Sorry, no personal checks. For those of you wishing to use paypal, donations can be sent in to http://us.mc309.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=MLMagness@aol.com at that time. Please note that paypal takes a fee to operate, be sure to take this into consideration when sending in your donation. Please write The Pink Artist Project on all correspondence and make sure your name and address are legible (typed is best for accuracy). Donations will be collected & dispersed to aid breast cancer research on October 22, 2008. All activity involving the drawing and monies donated for charity will be shared here at a later date. Though ANY donation amount is cheerfully accepted, for every $10 donation you send in your name will go into the drawing twice.
For those of you just learning about our drawing, it was voted to offer our doll as a gift in a drawing opposed to using ebay as this method allows for more participation, raising possibly more funds for charity due to a greater wider audience, and offers a FUN environment for giving because your collected name will go into the drawing for Love Squared and the "runner up" gifts (to be announced).
Soon to be available: a button for displaying on your blog, a newsletter for you to pass along to your friends and family, a flyer to print out on your home PC that could be passed out in the office, at games, or anywhere you are legally able and a postcard of our doll to email out to interested parties.
Also, Stampington & Company expressed interest in sharing The Pink Artist Project in a future newsletter- to sign up for their mailings, please visit: Sign Up for Post Script.
Doll artist Patti Culea helped inspire the making of the pink artist doll with the use of her pattern found in her book, Creative Cloth Doll Making. Of course, the waist down was altered for height. Patti wishes to help us spread the word of our project in a future newsletter when the time arrives. You can find her blog, Patter from Patti by visiting her link and signing up for her posts by email. Thank you! Stay tuned for more exciting news!