Pink Doll Update

Great news! The article to accompany our Pink Artist Doll is complete and shortly will be typed up and sent in to Art Doll Quarterly™ for their AUTUMN issue!
Spread the word that our beloved doll, Love Squared will make her debut in the Autumn issue of ADQ to hit news stands on August 1, 2008. Donations will be accepted following her debut up until October 15, which is the OFFICIAL day of the drawing. The month of October is as you know Breast Cancer Awareness month. Together we'll make this a fun & rewarding way to HELP others. Donations being accepted are money orders (preferred) made out to Susan G. Komen and cash (sent at your own risk) mailed in to Monica Magness PO Box 2206 Madison, AL 35758. Sorry, no personal checks. For those of you wishing to use paypal, donations can be sent in to at that time. Please note that paypal takes a fee to operate, be sure to take this into consideration when sending in your donation. Please write The Pink Artist Project on all correspondence and make sure your name and address are legible (typed is best for accuracy). Donations will be collected & dispersed to aid breast cancer research on October 22, 2008. All activity involving the drawing and monies donated for charity will be shared here at a later date. Though ANY donation amount is cheerfully accepted, for every $10 donation you send in your name will go into the drawing twice.
For those of you just learning about our drawing, it was voted to offer our doll as a gift in a drawing opposed to using ebay as this method allows for more participation, raising possibly more funds for charity due to a greater wider audience, and offers a FUN environment for giving because your collected name will go into the drawing for Love Squared and the "runner up" gifts (to be announced).
Soon to be available: a button for displaying on your blog, a newsletter for you to pass along to your friends and family, a flyer to print out on your home PC that could be passed out in the office, at games, or anywhere you are legally able and a postcard of our doll to email out to interested parties.
Also, Stampington & Company expressed interest in sharing The Pink Artist Project in a future newsletter- to sign up for their mailings, please visit: Sign Up for Post Script.
Doll artist Patti Culea helped inspire the making of the pink artist doll with the use of her pattern found in her book, Creative Cloth Doll Making. Of course, the waist down was altered for height. Patti wishes to help us spread the word of our project in a future newsletter when the time arrives. You can find her blog, Patter from Patti by visiting her link and signing up for her posts by email. Thank you! Stay tuned for more exciting news!

Please Pray

For my friend, Sandra Dias, who begins her
chemotherapy tomorrow . Sandra has breast
cancer & we have prayed for her before!!

Sandra, may God lift you up tomorrow, know
we'll be praying for you & let us know
how you are.

Also, pray for Cathy a dear friend of Nonnie's daughter Cassie.
Nonnie says she was like a second mom to Cassie when Cassie lived in none of our family was there...Cassie met her thru school as Cassie was a 3rd grade teacher and Cathy 4th.

Cathy is scheduled to have a double mastectomy on the 29th......she doesn't have a blog for people to leave comments.....keep her in their thoughts and prayers.


Check my Nestle Blog for
news in nature


Every day
something new peeks through in the garden of life


He's Here!!

I saw him yesterday for the first time this season
isn't he lovely

My Prayer
Keep me from getting talkative, And particularly from the fatal habit of thinking That I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from the craving to straighten out everyones affairs.Keep my mind from the recital of endless details: Give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips when inclined to tell of my aches and pains.They are increasing with the years And my love of reciting them grows sweeter as the years go by. Teach me the glorious lesson That occasionally it is possible that I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I do not want to be a Saint; Some of them are hard to live with, But a sour old woman is one of the crowning works of the Devil. Help me to extract all possible fun out of life. There are so many funny things around us, And I do not want to miss any of them. Make me thoughtful but not moody, Helpful but not bossy with my vast store of wisdom, It seems a pity not to use it all, But thou my Lord knoweth That I want a few friends left at the end.
Author Unknown

PLEASE pray for my friend Sandra Dias
as she begins chemo tomorrow..4/28/2008

Brightneedle Freebie Finish :-)

This is Humble Daisys by Brightneedle.
I changed the grey to blue and I think I may stitch this at least 2 more times in the's a perfect size for F&S and I'd like to make one into a pinkeep for myself :-)

Yesterday was Ana's birthday...I'm one of those crazy people that celebrate their pets birthday so yesterday I had a little get together for her. She doesn't get any presents but I know she loves the company. I took a picture of her with her balloon and cake and it would have been a good one if my mother didn't walk by. Ana knows what she can and can't do so once she saw my mother she wanted to jump off the chair. It was beginning to get torturous for her so I didn't get a good one that I could share. She turned 6 and we had Popeyes (one of her favs) and ice cream cake. She didn't get any cake because it was chocolate and she doesn't like ice cream. Here are some pics...

I did get Ana a present...a new fan LOL. We have one of those round ones and at night when it's too warm for a blanket but not warm enough for AC it's either aim it at her on the floor (because she won't sleep with me) or be selfish and aim it at me. Since she's the ruler of the house she, of course, gets it and I suffer. Plus for some reason the old fan either blew hot air or no air. We slept with it on last night and slept very comfortably! Of course she slept with me instead of on the floor but I bet you had I brought out the old fan she would have been on the floor.

I work tonight *blah* and haven't been feeling well (I went to the ER Wednesday...they didn't know what was wrong with me) and I'd like to rest before I have to get ready. My tummy hurts, it has gotten better, not like Wednesday where I could barely walk or move...I just hope this weekend is quiet and not crazy...TTFN!

Nestling (Flea) Market Friday

Me with real hair ..coming again soon....

Oh my friends..I've been doing a bit of
uncluttering lately, nestling I like to call
it & I'll be doing Nestling Market Fridays

Click here to see more Markets

It's not really a Flea Market, cuz I won't send ya
any fleas. Take a look, I'll be adding something new
each Friday I can get the job done!!

I will always state if it's something I made . I had
purchased mostly hand dids for years so that's
mostly what will be offered.

Buy Handmade

All is well in the Singing Woods, we've seen our first bat,
Indigo Bunting, Eastern Bluebird, Phoebe & of the season this
week AND the bluebird appears to have nested in
one of the old houses , whoo hooo.

I wanted to share pictures of the LOVELY cards I treated myself too.


green trees & grass

tulips the deer haven't eaten

four weeks till my last chemo

my BFF Marcia & I went out to a lil shop & I got a mercury glass item

a wonderful lunch


Bleeding hearts in bloom

God's gift of nature

love to all

share your joys

click to fund mammograms

sign my guestbook

& know I pray for each visitors

God sends his angels (you) just when we need them most

A Pink Artist Square made by Moss Hill Studios
my email is NOT getting through..anyone else having problems??
I do answer emails..waaahhh

Loving The Earth

I was washing the summer dishes when they arrived.

OH what fun

Her friend just watched from outside the fence.

She jumps on the fence, then the ground, both coming & leaving the yard

Some color finally, no hummer yet..but the migration map shows they're here.

Yesterday just a teeny bit of color

The Redbud

My Weeping Cherry yippee, the birds eat the cherries as soon as they ripen

A new fountain

The Barred Owl Box..not much color on Saturday

View from my bedroom windows

Saturday, just as Rich yelled DON'T BE TAKING PICTURES OF ME

American IDOL is over for tonight &

OH I AM SO DISAppointed.. I can't believe either of the bottom two on

American Idol!! they were and are great. HISSS

but you know I 'm for David Cook all the WAY!!

Today was great and I am feeling better both mentally and physically than I have in about 4 weeks.

Praise God and thanks to prayers.

Tis late for me

good night


seeing Cole & Caleb today

two friends came to visit , lunch & girl things

"Coffee Treats", birthday present

a knitted shawl from my church friends


the hair that didnt fall out is growing

I rarely have to shave my once every 2 weeks

5 weeks & one day till my last chemo treatment scheduled

loved ones

my BFF Marica is coming tomorrow

UPS came with Origins Ginger wash & candle what I bought with birthday money from my mom & dad

saw our first bat of the season on Tuesday eve LOVING it

hubby mowed the grass for the first time (this year LOL) today

the smell of that sweet grass

Life is WONDERFUL, I've NEVER been happier & if I have

I don't remember


Please click to fund mammograms, sign my GuestBook

& share your joys

Smell the Flowers Finish!

This should have been finished 2 days ago but I was too lazy to stitch the ladybug's head and do the french knots. Today I decided enough is enough and just did it. Here's a picture... And here's the entire thing...
This weekend we went to AC and had fun :-) I worked the night before we left and didn't get any sleep until Sunday morning. I did get cranky at times but not as bad as I thought I would. I'm dying to call out from work tonight but it's not going to happen *sigh*
I'm going to see if I can fit in a nap before I have to get ready to go to work tonight. TTFN!


Today is so lovely..
everything is in BUD that should be
& as I was walking outside..
I realized. we moved here April 28 2005
Rich's dad came here from the nursing home
in June.

My youngest daughter left the nest July 2007
Rich's dad went to Independence Village December 2007

This will be the FIRST year of seasons we will have
to our selves, I look forward to savoring every minute.


saw the first Eastern BlueBird and Eastern Phoebe of this year yesterday so the Meal Worms
are out for them
today we are getting a nesting box for our Barred Owls

life it does a body good, pass it on
love to all
hubby put the owl box up, pictures to come

Program I Meant to DVR


the other was Diane Sawyer, but I never even knew what day it was on.

did anyone see them??

I 'm better this AM, it is a MARVY day

& yes we were awake & aware of some things moving

@ quake time

all is good, my eye is purple,

Loving LIFE each DAY
share your joys please, I love it
did a bit of gardening oh so wonderful use my garden gloves from Church
to tend a garden is to walk with God

Parlour-Office-Studio Inspired by Mamie Eisenhower

Yes, I am still busy decorating in my mind! We are still looking for out next home but that hasn't stopped me from planning how every room is going to look! This room, my office-parlour-studio, is inspired by the the fabulous wife of President Eisenhower, Mamie. Mamie Eisenhower was the first lady from 1953 to 1961 and pink was Mamie’s favorite color. She wore a pink gown with 2,000 pink rhinestones to Ike’s inauguration (she is pictured in this dress above.) Ike sent her pink flowers every morning (very well trained hubby.) Her bathroom in Gettysburg was pink down to the cotton balls. She re-decorated the private quarters in the White House in pink. So much so that reporters called it the “Pink Palace.” I have been unable to find any pictures of Mamie's decorating. Pink down to the cotton balls would be fabulous to see! Seeing as this room will be for me, I am going to town with the colour pink!

Pretty shade of pink paint by Dulux called "Fairy Wings." Feature wall in Cath Kidston Antique Rose wallpaper.

Gorgeous chandelier from An Enchanted Cottage

Must have pretty craft supplies! The ones below are by Martha Stewart. Fabulous vintage pink typewriter. I would love to have a collection of these. I have seen an aqua one which is just as cool as this.

LCD screen pink tv. I am yet to see these in Australia. The only pink tv's I have seen are your old 34cm type by Hello Kitty or Bratz. Now I can be quite immature some times but a Bratz TV is a little too much.

Pink sateen sofa to snuggle up with boyfriend Ryan, see picture below for your viewing pleasure.

Choices, choices...which rug to roll around with Ryan on? The pretty pink or gorgeous green? Might have to give them both a whirl.

Here is my annoyance at the moment. You can't get an attractive, stylish office chair here in Australia which will suit a vintage style home.
The ones below would be perfect, but of course they are from the US.
I am thinking of trying to make one. You can buy computer chair bases seperately from ikea. Then finding a nice chair, cutting the legs off and attaching the base.