This is Barbara Ana Designs Spring Biscornu. It took me a while to stitch because 1. I hate stitching white and 2. I hate to stitch the same thing over and over BUT I loved it so much that I stuck with it and now it's done! I don't have and couldn't find the star button that goes in the center but I did find this heart and may use that. I still have Michael's to go to look for them, I'm pretty sure I'll find them there but just in case I don't I bought the hearts at JoAnn's. I'll probably make it into an actual biscornu on the train ride to work tomorrow.
And while at JoAnn's guess what I bought for my beloved scissor collection????? EMMA!!!!!!!! I've already made a fob for them and my favorite will always be my Leah's but I think they may be a second favorite of mine. I didn't really like the Bianca's but these I love :-) The picture sucks but the fob is really sparkly. I used navy, yellow, olive, and topaz crystals.
Here are some more pictures that I've been wanting to share but always forget to post... The biscornu I stitched for HoE's Biscornu Exchange. It's the first one I've ever made. These little buggers look easy to put together but they aren't! One side came out a little wonky and I don't know why. Hopefully my partner didn't mind it too much. I sent other goodies but didn't take a picture of them.
This is a pinkeep I made a while ago...I think in February for a friend of mine. I'm not 100% happy with it but like with anything, I'll get better as I go.
I saw these dolls (momiji dolls) on another blog and thought they were the cutest. I told Kelly about them and guess what? Kelly bought me a few :-) Usually I tell him about something and it'll end there but last week he told me to expect a surprise package from him and it was a great surprise when I opened the box. I bought myself another two and can't wait for them to come in.
This is a picture of my little stitching corner. It's a WIP. My cousin gave me a basket of cupcakes for Easter and once the cupcakes were gone I was staring at it wondering what to do with it. I love seeing baskets full of stitching on other blogs so I thought I'd start one myself. I was too lazy to throw out the plastic grass and the paper towels on the bottom but once I fill it up with some more stitching (Halloween stitching because it's going to be a Halloween basket) I'll get rid of it. I'm going to stitch the other little animals that came with the bee chart and hang them on my tree.
And here's a close up of the stitching...see the little dog??? I'm trying to convince people that I *need* a Frenchie but apparently no one seems to believe it :(
Lastly, thanks to those that helped me in my freebie search! I have the chart now and today I bought some DMC linen floss to stitch it with and some the new Variations thread, I haven't decided what I'll use but I'm definitely stitching that tree! TTFN...I work tonight and need to go to sleep. I hate it when I sleep all day only to get up to go to work. Hopefully I'll wake up early tomorrow and get some stitching time in! Hmmm so much for keeping it short! LOL
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