OH what fun

She jumps on the fence, then the ground, both coming & leaving the yard
Some color finally, no hummer yet..but the migration map shows they're here.
Yesterday just a teeny bit of color
My Weeping Cherry yippee, the birds eat the cherries as soon as they ripen
A new fountain
The Barred Owl Box..not much color on Saturday
View from my bedroom windows
Saturday, just as Rich yelled DON'T BE TAKING PICTURES OF ME
American IDOL is over for tonight &
OH I AM SO DISAppointed.. I can't believe either of the bottom two on
American Idol!! they were and are great. HISSS
but you know I 'm for David Cook all the WAY!!
Today was great and I am feeling better both mentally and physically than I have in about 4 weeks.
Praise God and thanks to prayers.
Tis late for me
good night
seeing Cole & Caleb today
two friends came to visit , lunch & girl things
"Coffee Treats", birthday present
a knitted shawl from my church friends
the hair that didnt fall out is growing
I rarely have to shave my legs..like once every 2 weeks
5 weeks & one day till my last chemo treatment scheduled
loved ones
my BFF Marica is coming tomorrow
UPS came with Origins Ginger wash & candle what I bought with birthday money from my mom & dad
saw our first bat of the season on Tuesday eve LOVING it
hubby mowed the grass for the first time (this year LOL) today
the smell of that sweet grass
Life is WONDERFUL, I've NEVER been happier & if I have
I don't remember
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