Monday ~~ Thoughts and Prayers
Blue Monday
For my first “Blue Monday”, I thought I would share a photo of a darling little blue lady figurine. I found her standing regally on a shelf in an antique shop one day and she was so dainty and lovely that I couldn’t resist bringing her home with me. She now stands on a book shelf in my blue office at home where I can see and enjoy her everyday.


I discovered several new blogs myself and have enjoyed visiting all of them. The only one I wasn’t able to visit was the blog of a lovely lady named Judy who left a comment for me, but no link to her blog/web page. So Judy, if you come back and see this new posting, please leave me another comment with the link to your blog/web page as I would love to come visit you at yours.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll be back with another new posting in a day or two.
Pink Saturday

A closer view of the teapot shows even more of the fine details

I hope you enjoyed your visit today and that you will come back again soon. I would love to hear from you so that I will know that you stopped by for a visit, so please leave me a comment. In return, I shall try my best to visit all of your blogs as time allows. I know that there are many out there that I haven't discovered yet, and I am looking forward to visiting your blogs and getting a chance to know all of you.
Enjoy the weekend!
Have You Seen ???
Finally some stitchy pictures!
My Halloween F&S came in the mail this Monday. My partner was Terry and this is what she stitched for me.
I also got another exchange on Monday, my HoE Prairie Schooler Exchange. Cathy B had my name and look at the pretty pin pillow she stitched for me...
Now I must go and update my exchange blogs. School is still great but stressful. All the time I thought I would have does not exist. I can't wait until I go on vacation in November so I can have at least a few days for myself, a day where I can just do nothing!!!!! Right now I go to school Mon-Thurs and then work Fri-Sun *ugh* I thought I would be able to do it (and so far I am) but jeez louise I'm tired!!
It's Thursday, Day Three
cool nights
`a Carolina Wren singing outside each morning before I leave for radiation
good friends
fresh Sally bread
feeling human again
Fun and cute things
Over the past week, I've been busy playing with my new digital camera. I've been going through my house just taking pictures of random things that I will add to my future blog posts. For today, I will only share one of them.
I was in Michael's craft store a while ago when I found these really cute pastel colored "diaper pins" on the bridal/baby shower party favor isle.

I love finding odd and unusual things to use in a new way.
Enjoy the rest of your week :)
Today, Tuesday Sept 23rd

And the winner is!

In other news I'm playing hooky from class today but not because I want to. There's a very mean fast mosquito in my room that I can't seem to catch. Well the night before it bit my twice in my arm and last night it bit me 5 times! It bit Ana as well but thank God for heartworm prevention so I know she's ok. Now why am I staying home for mosquito bites?? Well after waking up itchy this morning at 5am I covered myself from neck to toe so it wouldn't bite me anymore thinking I was being smart. Well it out smarted me and bit me on my left eye! Now my eye is swollen and I am NOT going out like this. No way no how! I hope it goes down by tomorrow. I feel bad for this mosquito once I catch it...a quick clap between the hands is not something I'm planning for it...
Off to See the Wizard (of radiation)

Oh So Sweet

Saturday fun.

I hope you all are having as good of a weekend as I am. Until next time.
A Woman of 1,000 Faces
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

The Latest Doctor Report

Whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) is used for treatment of multiple metastases. It is the most frequently used therapy for breast cancer brain metastases. WBRT has been shown in research studies to extend life and improve quality of life.
Seventy-five to eighty five percent of patients will experience some improvement or stabilization of their symptoms, especially headache and seizure. Motor loss (problems with walking, coordination, balance, etc.) is less successfully treated. Thirty to forty percent will achieve a complete reversal of all symptoms. Whole brain radiation can also be used after surgery or radiosurgery to help prevent new metastases from developing in other areas of the brain. Sometimes, chemotherapy will be held during treatment because some drugs given at the same time as radiation can increase the side effects of radiation
The possible immediate side effects of whole brain radiation are fatigue, temporary alopecia (baldness), dermatitis (skin rash), and otitis externa (inflammation of the outer ear), and hearing loss due to fluid and/or wax build up in the ears.
Long-term side effects begin to occur in six months to two years. They include deficits in cognition (understanding) and memory losses, urinary and bowel incontinence (difficulties with controlling bladder or bowel) and cerebellar dysfunction (lack of coordination). Radiation doses given over a longer period of time lessen side effects. Some doctors will give a lower dose of radiation to women whose cancer outside the brain is well controlled to lessen long-range toxicity.) "
Tea Time
I began my collection of “Tea Things” over 20 years ago and since then, it has taken on a life of its own. For who can wonder through a quaint little antique shop or even a local discount store and see a lovely teapot or teacup and not want to take it home to set it on a shelf amidst the many others you already own.
My extensive collection of teapots, teacups and small desert plates is a veritable garden of roses with each teapot, teacup or plate being covered with roses of different varieties and colors. Several of the teapots having matching sets of teacups and desert plates, and some do not. In focusing my collection to mostly rose patterned china, it allows me to mix and match many of my pieces when I sit down for a solitary pot of tea and maybe a plate of cookies or hot scones just taken from the oven.
My collection of tea things fills a small china hutch in my dining room, an entire cupboard in my kitchen and there are many pieces scattered throughout my home on shelves and tables. This photo shows just a small portion of my collection. In the coming days and weeks I will be able to share more photos with you, but sadly at the moment, my ability to share photos with all of my new visitors is quite limit as I unfortunately do not have a digital camera yet and must rely only my old 35mm camera for the moment. I ask for your patience and understanding until that time.

Many years ago, I discovered a quick and easy recipe for scones. They are delicious and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. This recipe makes approximately 10-12 scones.
2 cups flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
5 Tbsp unsalted butter
4 Tbsp sugar
¾ Cup Frozen Non-Diary Creamer (thawed).
½ Cup white baking chips
Pre-Heat oven to 450 degrees.
In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Cube and cut in the butter with a pastry blender or fork until the size of small peas. Stir in the 4 Tbsp sugar and baking chips. Pour in the Non-Dairy Cream and stir by hand just until the dough is formed. Do not over-mix. Drop approx ¼ cup of the dough onto a cookie sheet (just like you would if you were baking cookies).
Sprinkle lightly with sugar and bake for 10-12 minutes. Serve warm from the oven with a pot of your favorite tea.
A quick (I think) hello :)
I've been stitching...I made sure to find time for that because I have many exchanges to stitch for and *happy dance* I just finished stitching one so that's 2 down 2 more to go. :) I'm going to try and update later on with snippet pictures of what I've stitched so that way my blog isn't "naked." I'm almost ready to start my BIG blog give away! I'm so excited about it that I want to start it now but must wait...or do I? I guess I don't soooooooo if you would like to win this magazine

Edited: Thanks for the comment Shelleen :-) I know that about narcolepsy but my instructor made it seem like it could only happen when you were eating. Trust me she really is a something special whenever someone gives her an example on how to improve your life that's not eating healthy and exercising you can see in her face that it's something she's never thought of. She reads straight from the book and when asked to clarify something she just repeats what the book says. I'm sometimes tempted to ask her to put it in her own words to see if she can...
My friend Sandra
I've Gone and Done It!!
I’ve Gone and Done It!!
I’ve taken the leap and jumped into the world of blogging. This is the first of what I hope will be many blog posts in which I will be able to share with you things about myself, my life, and my interests in collecting, antiquing and decorating my home. For now, things will start out a little slow while I learn more about the art of blogging, but as more time goes by, the posts will become more frequent and I will be able to add more and more photos to share with you.
To give you a little background information about me, my name is Kim and I am a single 41 year old female living in a townhouse in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minnesota. My favorite hobby is browsing the antique malls and discount stores to find shabby, pink and pretty things to decorate my home with. Hense, the name of my blog. I describe my decorating style as “cottage meets shabby chic”. My favorite colors are robins egg blue, butter yellow, cream, sea foam green, and of course PINK!! Think of Easter colors and you’ll have a fairly good idea of my favorite color palate.
I enjoy collecting pretty rose patterned china, including teapots, teacups, desert plates and sugar and creamer sets, vintage tablecloths, vintage tea towels, crocheted potholders and hot pads, and much more. As more time goes by and I am able to, I will begin adding more photos to my blog to share some of my favorite items and collections with you.
This is the first and only photo that I will share with you today, but it will give you a general idea of my decorating style and what my home look like. This is a partial view of my living room and dining area. The living room walls are painted a coffee cream color and the dining room walls are painted the prettiest pale yellow color. The arched doorway and windows are highlighted with a pale spring green to accent the arches. The arched doorways (there are actually two) and windows are the first thing that made me fall in love with my townhouse when I first saw it nearly six years ago.

Please come back and visit again and do what you can to share my blog with others!!
Dee Is Home
A bit of Nature & Doctors Appointment

Where I stole an apple YUMMY
Open Space Project , I saw about 15 bluebirds here on the fence Sunday

Our Little Nestle in the Singing Woods, shutters are ALL painted finally

Today is God's Gift