Mary dear , from Isabella's Closet made this..isn't it darling??
About Me
I have headaches all the time. My vision loss really bothers me. My head pounds, I get dizzy & my hearing comes & goes. I am quite anxious about the brain radiation & surely do NOT want to be bald again. I will be glad when it is all done.
I had so thought by now I'd be all well. It will be a year on Oct . 27th that I got my diagnosis.
I know God has a plan & I do NOT feel sorry for myself. I have seen the ravages of cancer at the Cancer Center & I know I am doing good compared to others. I am NOT afraid ..God will heal me or bring me to Him. Either way I win.
Rich is very stressed, very attentive, very loving and very protective of me. I think this has been harder on him than anyone else. This has brought us SO close & I thank our Lord for that.
I just finished reading a book by Judi Picoult "Change of Heart" ..very different but I did enjoy it. On to my next book , another by Judi Picoult "Nineteen Minutes".
Rich and I did see "Burn After Reading" ..I am a Cohen brothers fan, this was not my fave movie by them, but it was enjoyable & Brad Pitt's part was a HOOT.
One of the previews played before the movie was "The Secret Lives Of Bees" with Queen Latifa & Alicia Keys & Dakota Fanning..coming in October..I can't wait!!!
thanks to all of you who are so caring.. & please remember to pray for Sandra, Dee, Cora & Michelle ..they are all battling breast cancer too. Your prayers have gotten me this far.
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