First and foremost, I finally bought myself a digital camera yesterday when I went and did a little shopping after work. I had wanted one for a very long time, but just never got around to buying myself one. After creating my new blog, I figured I better hurry up and get one, so I could start sharing more photos with everyone. You'll laugh when I tell you that the camera I ended up buying is even PINK!!
I spent last night and this morning figuring out how to use it and I've been practicing by taking lots of pictures that I will be able to share with you in as time goes by.
Today, I spent even more money. I visited one of my favorite local antique malls this afternoon and came home with a really good find.

While I know it's not an antique, I found a lovely barkcloth pillow in the soft and shabby shades of pink and green that I just love. There is also a hint of purple as well some blue and cream. It is so lovely and will fit in with my living room just beautifully. I probably paid a little more for it that my budget should have allowed, but I couldn't pass up such a pretty find. I know if I had left the antique mall without it, I would have regretted it.
Isn't it lovely???
Here to is a picture of my living room. You can see from this, just how well my new pillow will fit right in.

My wish is for someday to be able to find a beautiful and affordable cream colored television cabinet, coffee table and end tables, but for now, I must live with the old brown ones that I have had for years. I'm not very handy when it comes to painting and I would be afraid of ruining them if I tried to paint them myself.
I hope you all are having as good of a weekend as I am. Until next time.
I hope you all are having as good of a weekend as I am. Until next time.
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