I just love this time of year....
The weather is finally starting to get really nice and I've been able to enjoy a few evenings a week outside at the local ball parks watching my almost "8" year old niece McKenzie play softball. She's doing AWESOME this year with both her batting and with playing in the outfield.

It's amazing how much she has improved over the past 3 years. The first year she started in T-Ball, the next year it was advanced T-Ball and this year it's softball with the coaches doing the pitching. She and the other girls on her team are getting really good at slugging that ball.
While McKenzie is playing softball, her younger brother and sister (the twins Hunter & Kylee) enjoy hanging out with the rest of us watching her play. The "twinkies" as I call them played T-Ball last year, but I don't think they really enjoyed it and they were not interested in playing again this year. Maybe by next year they will change their minds and want to play again. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

I have to say that these three youngsters are my most favorite people in the world and it's such a joy to be able to spend as much time with them as I get to and to be able to watch them grow up. I just wish it wouldn't happen so fast... LOL.
Enjoy the rest of your week and I'll be back again soon.
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