Hello my lovely friends and welcome to another "Teacup Tuesday".
My goodness, it's week 12 of this fun event and I'm still not done showing all of the teacups in my collection yet. ... LOL. I'm beginning to think that maybe I really do have way too many teacups, but I love them all so much and the thought of parting with any of them is not something I would even want to think about. It's more fun to think about adding to my collection instead of downsizing it. Wouldn't you agree????
This week, I'm am showing a gorgeous teacup that if I remember correctly, I found at either TJ Maxx or Marshall's.

I fell in love with this teacup the minute I saw it. The floral pattern on the teacup is so beautiful with the combination of pink, blue, green and yellow in the flowers and the matching border that runs along the top edge of the teacup, both on the outside and on the inside.

Now that you've stopped in here to see my teacup for today, please continue on your Teacup Tuesday tour and visit the blogs of these lovely ladies as well to see what teacups they are sharing today. I'm sure you won't be disappointed...
Katie @ Rose Breeze Boutique
Melinda @ Everything Shabby and Chic
Jocelyn @ Happy Cottage Quilter
Pamela @ Lady Pamela's Cottage
Lola @ ...and Sew On
Bunny @ The Creative Hare
Until next time.....
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