On a cloudy, gloomy and wet Sunday afternoon, I decided to snap a few pictures of my very small, but pretty collection of purple that I have displayed on a wicker stand in a corner of my living room. Besides the purple, the color green featured here is almost the same color as m sofa and chair so they all look very nice together.
This first picture features a large plate that I've shown before which features a gorgeous pattern of yellow roses, green and of course shades of purple. There is also a small berry dish in not quite the same pattern, but the colors are very similar.

And don't you just love these lady head vases? This one I've had for some time, but it is not an antique or even vintage. I found this very inexpensive head vase a few years ago in a local gift shop. Instead of having flowers in the vase at the moment, I've just placed a purple crocheted doily in the vase, to hide the gaping hole. Poor lady... little did she know that I would end up just stuffing her with yarn instead of filling her head up with some pretty flowers... LOL..

And sitting next to the lady head vase is another smaller lady, this one whom is wearing a hat that is actually a small trinket box. She looks a little blurry as it was hard to get my camera to focus clearly on her face due to her small size, but you can see that she too is made of purple in her dress and green in her hat.

And of course, this also gives me the opportunity to show off some of my collection of different colored doilies. My purple ones are featured here today.
I've been trying to add more purple to this collection and it's been a slow process finding things I like, so for now, this small collection is all I have. It will grow over time I'm sure. Probably not as fast as my collections of pink, yellow and blue, but it will happen, that I can guarantee.
Enjoy the rest of you weekend ladies and I'll be back again on Tuesday with more teacups !!
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