

Some of you may know (from my post last year) my dream to go to Ireland.
My wonderful hubby, Rich has done all the planning
and arrangements ..and WE ARE GOING.
We'll be leaving in September..going to Italy & Ireland.
I've never been out of the country before and I am so
Our flight going to Italy and coming back
from Ireland are long. I know I can do it. I told
my Oncologist we were going and she gave me some
meds to take with me.
We'll be gone for quite a few days..our fat kat will be
staying with my older daughter, so we don't need
to worry about her.
I am not taking my laptop with me, Rich is taking his.
I will have my camera and a cell phone that works
abroad. (so will Rich)
I feel sooooooo blessed to be able to live my dream, we are
not wealthy by far, but we found a way to fund the trip ..I may not live
forever, so we want to go now.
We'll see Vatican City , kiss the Blarney Stone & lots of
fun adventures.
Please pray for safe travel for us.
Please also continue to PRAY FOR HUNTER
Much love to all of you and thanks for your prayers that
have made me healthy enough to travel.
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