Hey Girls...
I'm back!!!!
And with a brand spankin new computer and an empty pocketbook to boot..
Hard drive died in the old computer so figured I might as well go ahead and invest some of my hard earned money in a whole new computer instead of just replacing the hard drive. Considering that my old computer was one that I bought used a few years ago from a very good friend for only $200 I think I got my money's worth out of that one.
Haven't had time to take any new pictures to share, what with computer shopping, setting up the new computer and now trying to learn a whole new computer operating system (going from Windows XP to Windows Vista), but it will all come together one of these days. Hardest thing I think is going to be figuring out how to organize my picture folders as Windows Vista is way different that Windows XP when it comes to picture files.
I will post more again over the weekend and I am anxious to get around to visiting all of you as well. I have missed blogland over this past week and am so glad to be back.
Take care and I'll be back soon..
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