Hello my sweet friends and welcome to another addition of the newly renamed "Tea Things Tuesday". As always, I am so happy to have you stop by for a visit.
For this weeks "Tea Things Tuesday", I am showing another Sadler teapot from my collection. Like most of the other teapots in my collection, this lovely teapot has a beautiful rose pattern. The pink roses in the center are surrounded by a ring of smaller pink and yellow roses with a dash of blue flowers tossed into the mix.
To see even more beautiful tea things, please check out the blogs of these wonderful ladies to see what they are sharing today:
Valerie @ http://travelingthrough2.blogspot.com/
Mary @ http://marysteacottage.blogspot.com/
Mrs. Bee @ http://ourpeaceinthevalley.blogspot.com/
** JUST A REMINDER : "Tea Things Tuesday" is open to anyone who want's to participate. If you are interested in joining and would like me to include a link to your blog in my weekly "Tea Things Tuesday" post, just send me an Email with the link to your blog no later than early Monday evening and I will add it to my list.
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