My world has been somewhat crazy as usual with work STILL being extremely busy and me getting the opportunity to pretty much work as much overtime as I want, which of course means more $$$ in my pocketbook to use for fun money, but it also means a lot mores stress and exhaustion.
To battle that exhaustion and to wind down and relax after a busy day of work, I will often make myself a small pot of tea and snack on some yummy cookies for a little pick me up.
A great way to do that is using one of my favorite teapots. This little beauty is about half the size of a regular teapot and will hold maybe three cups of tea. Just perfect when I don't feel liking drinking a large pot of tea all by myself.
The two matching teacups are different styles, both of which I love, but they do have the same rose pattern as the teapot.
Now if I could just find a few matching desert size plates, I'd have a complete serving set. Maybe someday I will, you just never know. Until then, I'll enjoy and get much use out of the pieces I do have.
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