For today though and for the next two weeks, I really think the title of my blog post should be "Welcome to My Sick Obsession".
I've mentioned it before but I'll say it here again today. I have a crazy little obsession sometimes when it comes to collecting things, whether it be china or something else. Many a time, when I'm given a choice of colors to choose from, it's just too hard for me to make up my mind and decide which one I want the most, so I will sometimes go a little overboard and splurge, buying one in each color.
That's what happened when it came to the three teapots/tea sets you'll see today and over the next two weeks. When these Arthur Woods tea sets first appeared in a gift shop that I frequently visit, they were available in three color choices, Pink, Blue and Yellow. Three of my favorite colors and when you throw in gorgeous roses to boot, there was no way I could only choose just one. So I splurged big time and became the very happy owner of three lovely tea sets. Don't get me wrong or think I have pockets full of money, because I definitely don't and I didn't actually buy them ALL at once. I may be crazy, but I'm not that crazy. I was lucky enough however to acquire them over about a two month period as my finances allowed, scrimping in other areas where I could. I was just very lucky that they weren't sold out by the time I had the money to purchase each set.
Today, you get to see the Yellow tea set, starting first with the teapot. The yellow background is such a lovely, soft shade of yellow and makes the pink roses stand out so beautifully...
Make sure you come back next week to see Part Two of my sick obsession. You won't be disappointed. Until then, follow the MckLinky links and visit the blogs of our other tea loving friends to see what they are sharing with us today.
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