It's gonna be a fun and crazy week ahead. Can you believe that Christmas is just days way? I can't but I'm just about ready. Christmas shopping is done and most of the gifts are wrapped and ready to make their way across town to my Mom's house where me, Mom, my sisters, my bother, my brother-in-law and my nieces and nephew will be celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
The only downside is that I am one of those unlucky people that has to work ALL day Christmas Eve day so it's going to be a busy and long day. I have a feeling though that no one will be working to hard that day. It will be more about having fun and getting ready to celebrate the holiday.
Because several of you asked over the course of my "Tea Things Tuesday" event, I thought I would share a few pictures of how I display most of my tea things. This is not all of them as sadly some have to be hidden away in cupboards due to lack of space in my little itty bitty china hutch, but at least you'll have an idea...
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