Our Family Christmas and Christmas Snow UPDATE

Family pictures BELOW

This is a table on our deck. Snow measures almost 9 inches

My poor statue is wearing a snow dunce hat.


My daughter nicole's friend Ashley,  Andrea my daughter in law & my youngest daughter Mercedes..(left to right)

Mercedes and I hugs

My oldest daughter Nicole and her brubby, Steve (my oldest & only son)

Steven age 6 (my sons youngest of 4 boys) & Caleb age 6 (my daughter nicole's youngest boy (of 2)

My son's oldest son, Zachary who is 15, plays football
and is in ROTC

Mercedes my youngest

Andrea doing dishes..Mercedes on the phone, Nicole and
Steve checking out her text message

Rich in the rocker.  Jon, Steven and Caleb on the couch.
Zachary in the recliner . A football game is on

Caleb, being cheesy

Now it's Steven's turn

Ok, Jon wants to cheese it up

Ashley, Nicole and Steve

This could be serious, actually it is..

Here's my Jon

Yes..we are BEAR fans

This is Cole, my daughter Nicole's 8 year old with
Joe my son's 3rd son, he's 9 and Steven, Joe's brother

Cole and Joe are great boys and great friends.

Jon , steven & Caleb (the two little boys had a
time out

We had a great time.  Mercedes, my youngest stayed and we went to

see Sherlock Holmes.  When we came out it was icy and slick, so she just stayed the night.

Who would have thought we'd get 7+ inches..and still going.

I do have a couple of winter pics..but it's so deep and
so cold.  I'll need to take some tomorrow

Happy EVERYONE had a memorable Christmas


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