Tom getting chummy with his little friend, he looks a little peeved don't you think?
Why do so many people hate cats? I just don't get it. I was talking to an older lady who I always thought was a lovely person. We were talking about cats and she said she left milk out with aspirin in to poison any cats that should venture on her property. Aspirin doesn't actually work, it is safe to use aspirin thank goodness. I know what does work but I am not going to mention it for fear of any cat haters reading this.
As you can imagine I now think this women is the Devil incarnate!
A recent ebay win. I now have three Christmas trees! This little pink feather, fibre optic one. A huge lilac one. And a medium sized pink tinsel one. Note to self - need to move house ASAP to fit in all my Christmas decorations this year!

My new hot pink mobile phone.

As I have mentioned before, I collect vintage flasks. I have lots of reproduction ones like the green one in the photo but hardly any genuine vintage ones.
Well, I found this red one at a Anglicare shop the other day for $2! Isn't it a beauty?

Then I had to rearrange my shelves of course!
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