I want to start off by writing about Kelly...what I'll say I don't really know but I feel that I need to write about him. I met him 8 years ago while I was with another guy. I actually ignored him the first day we met since I was preoccupied with some problems I was having with the other guy. The next time we met I was sort of single and he ignored me! He totally denies it but I know the truth LOL. Kelly's a great guy, I think I'm lucky to have him although sometimes he drives me insane! Yesterday he registered for college, he hasn't been to school since high school. He doesn't really know what he wants to do (I'm pushing him to do Nursing.) He's scared but I think he'll do ok once he gets use to the busy-ness of it all. I'm excited for him and proud of him, I'm already thinking of graduation and what an accomplishment it will be for him. He sometimes reads my blog so Good Luck Kelly! I'll be here for you when you need me :-)
Now onto some stitching news! I haven't been stitching much. That Lizzie Kate really put me into a funk. First, I hated the border. Then, once I got into the border I saw that I miscounted somewhere (probably while on the train because I was off by a thread!) and my border doesn't match up. I could frog it but I hate to frog and well I just didn't feel like stitching it anymore so I declared it a UFO. Then, I had a bad case of startitis. I wanted to start everything in my stash - I didn't but did find something that would satisfy me. It's taking longer than I thought it would and it has a border *ugh* but I love it so much that the border doesn't bother me too much. Hopefully by next week it will be done! Here's a WIP picture:

I'm going to sleep now. I don't want to, lately I've been having a REALLY hard time staying up at work since I've been going to bed so early and waking up even earlier but I just can't take it anymore and need to sleep. I'll just deal with it tomorrow at work. TTFN!
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