In my CSF Yahoo Group I joined the Summer Secret Sister round, it was fun. My SS sent me lots of nursing paraphernalia which I loved! The ones that I'm going to share on my blog are the two angels she sent me. The one in the box is my favorite. I have the suncatcher one by my desktop on my bulletin board.

Kathy was my SS and she makes Snip-It Jars. I loved her packages because she titled them "Pretty In Pink" packages and the last one in which she revealed herself she sent me one of her Snip-It Jars in a pretty pink. Here's a picture of my jar :-) For those that don't know what a Snip-It jar is used for it's for the small snips of thread that you have left over. Ana was my Snip-It dog since I just use to throw them on her (it made her look pretty but she hated it - she would shake them off and get them all over the place) but now I have a nice little jar to throw them in.

I've been doing a pleasing amount of stitching. I finished Amitie - it looks so NICE! I'm thinking of stitching some companion pieces by taking little motifs from the pattern and making a pin keep and scissor fob. I haven't decided if I'm going to give it away, most likely I am. The way I want to finish it I have no space for to display in my house and the person I want to give it to would appreciate it, which is important since we've all had the horror of stitching something for someone only to never see or hear about it again. My next topic was going to be my almost finish *but* I have another stitchy gift to share, so here's Amitie done 2 over 2 on 28ct Silver Ice linen with Vintage Violets by Silk n Colours.

Now when I graduated from Nursing School many moons ago (4 years to be exact hehe) I received the nicest gift. This gift, I know, was a real labor of love because I've tried to stitch these before and every time they've become UFOs, I must of had like 3 of them LOL. Well the following pictures are of this quilt that my stitchy friends made for me. Every once in a while I take it out and look at it. I don't like to keep it out because of Ana and I don't want it to get dirty. I never posted any pictures of it because when I first received it I didn't have a camera, but now I do and it's long overdue that I share pictures of it!

As I've mentioned before I'm a Halloween fanatic so I've started my Halloween stitching already. Next year I'm going to join my friend Petra on a Halloween Stitching EXTRAVAGANZA aka Halloween Stitching Marathon :) We're going to stitch Halloween pieces exclusively for 2008, I have lots in my stash but recently bought some more to make sure I have enough. She's not the only one stitching, I believe it's a group thing but it should be fun and enabling! Here's my new WIP :)

It's Hatz Bootique by Brightneedle. If I BS'd less and stitched more it would have been done by now but alas it's not. It's very close to being done though, just have to stitch her little coat and the floor and it's done! I like this witch, she looks like she has a snooty 'tude. I believe she's suppose to be Ezmeralda (it's a companion piece to Ezmeralda's House) but I think I'm going to rename her Bettina LOL.
They opened a new stitchy store around here, well not around here but close enough that I can drive to. Barb told me about it (Thanks Barb!) and it's called The Lazy Daisy Stitchery. It's about 30 minutes away from me by car and the area is nice. Afterwards we went to eat lunch at this Mexican restaurant across the street and peaked into this paint your own ceramics store which we plan on going to sometime in the near future. My heart still belongs to WVAS because that's where my friends are at, but this place is close enough that if I need something quick I can get it there. She had a few Halloween displays that I went crazy over and I picked up a few goodies (pic down below!) I went to WVAS this past Tuesday for a stitchy date and of course had fun. I really don't know how I ever survived without them. I think this was our 3rd date and I'm so glad that we have them! I was so stressed that I felt like I was going to suffocate before the day came LOL. Well I think that's all, my cousin is over and later on a few more are coming over so I'm going to try to get some stitching in before I can't. TTFN and thanks for reading this far down! Here's my new stash!

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