Please pray for the Stephen Curtis Chapman family.
Their youngest daughter Maria, was killed when hit
by her older brother in a vehicle, while playing in the driveway.
Several members of the family witnessed the accident.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Please continue to pray for my friend Sandra Dias, as she is having a HARD time with chemo.
I will also got word from Kimberly about her daughter's friend who recently had breast surgery.
"she is doing really well.....her test results came back and she showed they were able to get all of the cancer.....so she will be starting chemo/radiation treatments soon after healing."

Now for humble me, It's 7AM , we will be at the Cancer Center @ 8.30AM for blood tests,
see Dr. Prager and then on to my LAST chemo treatment!! Praise God , He has blessed me
with all of you AND He has carried me gently through this.
Rich will be with me today. That's a good thing.
I know where we go from here, in two weeks I'll have a Pet/CT scan to see how the chemo
has worked on the cancer. Then an echocardiogram to make sure my heart is ok with the
In a month, I will begin my radiation treatments. 5 days a week, 5 minutes a day, for 6 weeks.
At this time, I will continue IV's of Herceptin(because my cancer is hormone driven) and Zometa (bone hardner) for a year ..once every three weeks, the chemo will be all done today ..at about 3 PM!!
thank you ALL for your prayers, friendships, gifts and love.
I'd not be so well without you and Our Lord.
Rich thanks you all too.
Love in Him,
humbly His servant,

Joys today
a spring rain
God's faithfulness
a good night sleep
seeing an Indigo Bunting yesterday
prayers and love from all of you
living each day
being able to garden
watching my seedlings come thru the dirt
David Cook winning "American Idol"
(trivial??, it did give me joy)
Please share your joys with me & sign my guest book
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