I just wanted to share some
I've not done it for a bit
today we saw a Summer Tanager & a Baltimore Oriole in the yard
today we saw a Summer Tanager & a Baltimore Oriole in the yard
sleeping thru the night
hot bubble baths with "Origins Ginger"
feeling a bit better each day
Race for the Cure this weekend here in Peoria
pink Survivor hat & T shirt
lily of the Valley in bloom
a very sweet husband
coffee in the early morn
robins nested in the pine tree
roses with lil buds on them
14 days to my LAST chemo
Please continue to pray for Sandra & Cathy
feeling a bit better each day
Race for the Cure this weekend here in Peoria
pink Survivor hat & T shirt
lily of the Valley in bloom
a very sweet husband
coffee in the early morn
robins nested in the pine tree
roses with lil buds on them
14 days to my LAST chemo
Please continue to pray for Sandra & Cathy
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