I recently participated in a swap run by Sweet Goodness Swaps. I don't really do these anymore but this one caught my eye. Mainly because the girls that run Sweet Goodness were some of my first blog buddies, and it seemed to follow a similar inspiration to my Marie Antoinette living room (see post "Living Room inspired by Marie Antoinette.")
Here were the rules.
Colors: Pale blue/teal/aqua, white and black
Theme: Must include at least one item that is French-inspired. Examples, something must say France or Paris, or include an Eiffel tower or the fleur de lis. Be creative! If you are signing up for this swap you most likely have some French-inspired ideas already rolling around in your head!

Here is the gorgeous parcel I got from Linda.
The gingham box, rose decorations and vintage cards are just divine. You can imagine how excited I was to open it!

Shriek! A plaque featuring my girl crush, Marie Antoinette! With silk and bling, drool!

Gorgeous diamonte "Paris" brooch TO DIE FOR!!!

Look at the rest of the lovelies! Cath Kidston handcream and bath bombs,vintage ribbons and lace, jade milk glass bottle and basin, roses, gorgeous box, tags, victorian images on CD, and the delicious chocolates that were dived on by the kids and I!
Thanks so much Linda, you have the most amazing taste and crafting talent!

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